

我们的使命是提供安全的教育, 生活, 通过与校园各部门以及当地社区的合作,建立工作社区.

校园安全部门为学院提供了及时识别和应对情况的能力,这将增加学生在教育过程中的成功. 校园安全致力于识别和调查违反校园政策或联邦的活动, 状态, 以及当地法律. 另外, the department is committed to keeping open lines of communications within the Landmark College community, 当地社区, 以及紧急服务. 在 极端天气和其他紧急情况,学院将透过紧急警报系统联络.


我们鼓励社会成员分享他们的担忧, 评论, and thoughts regarding the safety and security of the Landmark College campus. 的 关注学生 & 威胁评估小组 works to ensure that the College is safe and secure for all students, staff, faculty, and visitors.

校园安全办公室位于戴维斯大厅001室. 如果值班人员不在办公室, 然后你可以在校外拨打802-387-6899联系他或她, 或者校园里的x6899. 的 duty officer can also be contacted via the campus portable radio system, 由任何一位常驻院长主持, 居民助理, 或在工作人员值班时为他们提供便利.



This report is posted by October 1 of each year on the Landmark College website.

Printed copies of this report are available at no charge in the Student Affairs, 校园安全, 亚洲博彩平台排名办公室和地标学院图书馆.

2023年度校园安全 & 消防安全报告 (包括2021至2023历年的统计数字)

佛蒙特州对家庭暴力的定义, 约会暴力, 性侵犯, 关于性行为的跟踪和同意

的se definitions of the State of Vermont are provided as a requirement of the Campus SaVE Act. 有关学院在其政策中使用的定义的完整列表, 请参阅《亚洲博彩平台排名》中题为“Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Domestic Violence, 约会暴力, and Stalking


艾滋病热线 800-342-2437

动物控制 (温德姆县警局)802-365-4942

伯瑞特伯勒社区司法中心 802-257-8611

伯瑞特伯勒纪念医院 802-257-0341

伯瑞特波罗撤退 802-257-7785

家庭暴力热线 800-228-7395

生命之路危机怀孕中心 802-254-6734

伯瑞特伯勒计划生育健康中心 802-257-0534

普特尼消防局 (非紧急)802-387-4372

强奸危机热线 800-489-7273

温德姆县法院 802-257-2800

温德姆县警局 (非紧急)802-365-4942

温德姆县受害者协会 802-257-2860

妇女自由中心 802-257-7364

佛蒙特州机动车辆管理局 802-828-2000

佛蒙特州警察 (非紧急)802-722-4600


请随时与校园安全部门联系 (电子邮件保护) or 802-387-6899.


  • 如果我房间里的东西坏了怎么办?



    Your Resident Dean can track the repairs completed and the date of completion.


    如果确定损害是故意的或恶意的, 学院可能会向你收取维修费用. 你还可能面临司法诉讼.

  • 校园安全 is tasked with maintaining the physical security of all buildings and areas on campus. Each building is locked and unlocked based on the occupation and use of the building. 无论建筑用途如何,宿舍都是24小时锁着的. 的 buildings on the LC campus are primarily used by the campus community. On occasion, certain areas of campus are used by agencies or groups from off-campus. 这些人被告知校园的政策和程序,有关建筑物/区域的安全使用, with the duty officer confirming the security of the building after the group departs from campus.

    每个住在校园里的学生都有一张门禁卡和相应的房间钥匙. It is the responsibility of the student to remember their access card and their room key at all times. 学生应该随时锁好自己的房间. 如果学生忘记或丢失了门禁卡或钥匙, 然后,在学生与大楼和/或房间确认后,可以联系值班人员入场.

  • 我如何知道学校是否被取消或延误?

    Landmark College有一个适当的程序,通知学生和员工校园关闭或延误. 消息将通过短信发送到社区, 门户网站公告, 电子邮件, 还有无线电台的使用. 更多信息,请访问 紧急警报系统 页面.

  • 校园里有两个紧急“蓝光”电话亭. One is located on the pathway from LOT D to the Quad entrance of the Fine Arts Building. 的 second call box is located on the hillside pathway outside the 图书馆, 在图书馆山对面. 每个盒子都是用来直接打电话给值班人员的. 当激活, 盒子顶部的蓝色灯被点亮, providing the individual with a visual indicator of the location of the caller.

  • An emergency on campus includes incidents in which life or property safety may be at risk. 的 main focus during an emergency is to protect the life of community members. 本部门负责处理所有紧急服务电话. 的 officers are trained on the immediate response to emergency situations, including contacting the necessary outside agencies to resolve the incident. 重要的是,在紧急情况下,所有社区成员都应按照指示作出反应,不仅要保护有关的个人和财产, 而是为了事件中的个人安全.

  • Although the Landmark College campus is considered a safe environment for 生活, 学习与工作, 有时,学生或员工从校园的一个地方走到另一个地方可能会感到不舒服. 如果发生这种情况, the individual may contact the duty officer and be escorted to the individual’s destination. 当学生主任或其他高级学院官员要求见学生时,也可能出现护送.

  • 如果发生火灾,我能打911吗?

    你可以直接打911. 如果你直接打911, call the duty officer immediately after the 9-1-1 call so that proper response is provided. 如果情况没有立即危及生命, 然后先打电话给值班人员协助处理.


    A fire emergency is a situation in which an actual fire or the smell of smoke is apparent.


    如果你住在学生宿舍, 然后按照住校主任的指示前往会议区域, 居民助理, 设施的工人, 或值日主任. It is important that you remain out of the way of the emergency vehicles and staff. 如果你在学校的另一栋楼, 按照学校官员的指示行事,或前往校园内任何不会妨碍紧急救援人员的建筑物.


    普特尼镇将向你收取罚款如果确定火灾是恶意的, 或者该城镇在一个日历年内对同一类型的实例回应了三次以上(例如, 如果你住在桥上,经常在炉子上烧食物的话).

    If the fire incident is determined to be arson, then you may be criminally charged.

  • 我应该报告什么??

    事故报告涉及许多不同的主题. 一些最常见的事件包括, 但不限于, 与其他同学的冲突, 丢失的物品, 医疗援助, 目睹非法活动. 你可以自由地报告任何你认为需要调查或由学院管理人员跟进的事件.


    的 first step is contacting the duty officer, resident dean, or resident assistant. 具体问题将根据具体情况提出. You may be asked to provide a written 状态ment to support the information provided.


    书面陈述为值班人员提供了第一手信息. 这一信息很重要,特别是在事件导致司法行动的情况下,提供对事件的清晰理解. 尽快将事件记录下来,可以减少重要信息被遗忘或误解的可能性.


    视情况而定,你可能会被要求与住校院长交谈, 住宿生活主任, 司法事务主任, 或学生事务主任就事件作出澄清. 在某些情况下,您可以直接了解报告的结果.

    的 Department considers all incidents a serious matter and will investigate such to the fullest extent. If, 在调查过程中, 很明显已经发生了违反州或联邦法律的行为, 值日官将与当地执法部门联系. 如果事故与火灾有关, the local Fire Chief will be contacted for assistance in the investigation process. Individuals have the right to contact an outside agency for investigations. 有关联络资料可透过本地电话簿或与值日主任联络取得.

  • 本部门将回应那些将自己锁在生活或工作空间之外的学生和员工的要求.


    Contact should be made with the 校园安全 Duty Officer who will come and unlock the door, after verification that the space is assigned to the individual making the request.


    与校园安全值班人员联系,确认是否发生了锁更换,是否有新钥匙要分配. 如果发生了锁更改, 那么就应该联系住校院长, 谁会向设施署提出维修锁或更换钥匙的工作要求.


    的re are no charges applied for the first three times you lock yourself out of your assigned space. After three lockout requests are granted, then you will be fined according to Campus policy.


    联系校园安全值日官,值日官将协助你到达目的地. 校园周围有紧急电话亭. 这些“蓝光”电话箱直接拨给值日主任.

  • 如果我丢了东西怎么办?

    If you have lost an item, check your belongings and the areas in which you last had the item. 如果物品无法找到,则检查校园安全丢失 & 发现问题应及时向校园安全部门报告.


    如果主人是已知的,但没有立即找到, 或者如果主人是未知的, 然后将物品交给校园安全部门.


    Found property is maintained at the 校园安全 for the duration of the semester in which it was found. At the end of the semester, all items are disposed of per the College disposal policy.


    物品可能会被扔进垃圾桶, 捐赠给社区标签拍卖, or, 如果主人是已知的, 还给原主,费用由原主承担.

  • If the situation is life-threatening, call 9-1-1, then call the Duty Officer.



    营业时间, a call should be placed to Health Services to determine the time at which the nursing staff can see you. 如果你的身体状况不允许你去健康服务中心, 可以联系值班人员以获得交通援助.

    营业时间以外,应采用医生随叫随到制度. 医生会建议你是否应该等到下一个工作日再去健康服务中心, whether you should be seen immediately at the emergency room of the local hospital, or whether there is 医疗援助 the doctor can provide over the phone.

    What do I do if I have a medical condition that makes it difficult to walk around campus?

    Contact should be made with Health Services, who will determine medical accommodations. 反过来, 卫生服务将与校园安全部门联系,提供所需的信息,以提供停车住宿或交通需求.


    医疗紧急情况是一种医疗情况,在这种情况下,一个人觉得自己的病情会恶化,而不能去卫生服务处看护士. 在大多数情况下, 医疗紧急情况将涉及当地的救援服务, 谁会到校园去了解情况.


    如果你感觉不舒服, 但这不是紧急情况, 你应该去斯特劳奇家庭学生中心的健康服务部.


    你可以直接打911. 如果你直接打911, call the duty officer immediately after the 9-1-1 call so that proper response is provided. 如果情况没有立即危及生命, 然后先打电话给值班人员协助处理.

  • 财产识别计划是一个自愿计划,个人可以在校园安全部门登记他们的个人高价值物品. 该计划旨在协助防止盗窃以及协助追回校园被盗物品.

  • 该部门有各种各样的安全相关项目, 包括消防安全, 酒精的意识, 财产鉴定. 程序可以根据要求或需要进行开发. 所有项目的目的是为社区提供在校园内外控制保护自己的能力.

  • Although transporting individuals is not a primary duty for the Department, 有时候,把个人送到目的地对个人和学院都有好处. 可能需要交通工具的情况包括无法步行前往保健服务的生病学生的车辆运输, an individual with a temporary medical condition needing assistance getting around campus, and guests and visitors with an impairment in which walking the campus may be difficult.

  • All employees and students must be registered with the Department of 校园安全. This registration provides us with the ability to locate and notify the owner in case of an emergency, 或者如果车辆需要移动设施工作. 当注册, 车辆将根据办公地点或学生的资历分配到校园内的特定停车场.
